August 1, 2007

Border Patrol Chief Aguilar - Honor Last

Chief David Aguilar is recognized as the leader of the "Honor Last" society for numerous reasons, most of which were cited when the National Border Patrol Council announced the vote of "No Confidence":

Chief Aguilar shamelessly promoted a guest worker program as a means to reduce the flow of traffic at the borders. He had the audacity to stand before Border Patrol Agents and accept legislation that would grant guest worker permits to illegal aliens living in the United States. According to Chief Aguilar, why would we [U.S. citizens] stop comprehensive immigration reform just because it addressed four percent of the current U.S. population [illegal aliens].

Honor Last

This section of our blog will be devoted to exposing individuals in the Border Patrol who appear to have forgotten the Border Patrol motto, which is “Honor First”. Individuals who we cite in this section will typically have one thing in common: they place their desire to earn money before everything and everyone else.