February 22, 2008

SDC Electronic OWCP filing

Recently San Diego Sector implemented a new pilot program called ECOMP, which involves employees electronically filing their CA-1 or CA-2. Here is the problem; ECOMP is an old program that is riddled with problems. DOL/OWCP personnel have stated that they don’t know why the agency is using ECOMP since it is a program they don’t even use.

February 19, 2008

Are you a Freeloader?

One of the most vexing problems faced by any union representative is the knowledge that all his/her hard work not only benefit the dues paying member, but the freeloading hangers-on that seem to wind their way into everyday issues. We've all been there right? You get a cold-call from an agent at a different station regarding a contract issue and in the blink of an eye, you read through the pertinent section(s) of the contract, maybe place a few preemptory calls to an involved supervisor, write a rough draft for a Step 1....and, uh oh....you find out the agent that called you doesn't even pay dues.

February 18, 2008

What am I paying you guys for?

What am I paying you guys for?
Is the union really looking out for me or just the best interest of the representatives?
What good is the union?
Nothing’s going to change!
It doesn’t make a difference what I say.
I had to handle the problem myself because the union person told me they would not do anything.

I hear different version of these statements/questions several times a week when I talk to agents or just overhear conversations.