July 24, 2012

Episode 2 - Line of Duty Deaths

Shawn Moran and Terry Shigg discuss the two recent line of duty deaths and speak with Local 2554 President Lombardo Amaya.


July 9, 2012

Episode 1 - Suicide Prevention

Shawn Moran welcomes Terry Shigg to the "State of the Union" to discuss suicide prevention in the Border Patrol. They also answer listener questions.


July 3, 2012

NBPC Podcast Prequel

A preview of things to come. Later this week Terence Shigg, Sgt at Arms of Local 1613, stops by to discuss suicide prevention.

Question or comment? 858-375-NBPC or @bpunion on Twitter.

January 19, 2012


Thanks to Terry Shigg, Local 1613 Sergeant At Arms, for taking the time to write the following article. (Note: This is an updated version of the prior article that was first published on December 8, 2009. There are useful links at the bottom of this article and the the list of links was updated on January 19, 2012)

The #1 Cop Killer in the United States is Police Suicide. A sobering statistic in Law Enforcement is the fact that an officer is more likely to be a victim of suicide than a homicide. The suicide rate of Law Enforcement officers is also higher than the general population. The suicide rate is 11.1 per 100,000 for the general population and 18  per 100,000 for Law Enforcement. Suicide is devastating to families, friends and co-workers.