May 24, 2013


There certainly seems to be an assault on law enforcement and military from the Chief Executive Officer of the land.  This is no frontal assault, it is happening behind close doors.  Where, at the highest levels, managers are being told that their funding is drying up. Or in some cases, they are given “incentives to play ball;” bonuses.  They appeal to the ego or the pocket book of their managers.  This type of behavior trickles down from the top to the lowest level managers and their excuse is, “I am just following orders.”  We can look back sixty years and these were the same excuses given by Germany Nazis during World War II, “Just following orders.”  There is nothing wrong with following orders.  It is imperative in some cases that this happens quickly, however, in some cases the circumstances dictate the action needed.  

Five years ago, US Border Patrol managers were worried about keeping employees around long enough to make a difference in border enforcement.  Agents who had been in long enough and who were educated enough to have a college degree, used the USBP as a stepping stone to their real career and profession; some where else.  

In response to this, the Agency "rushed" to hire new border patrol agents to fill empty "boat spaces."  The order was given that no one would fail the Border Patrol Academy; even if they didn’t fit the job.  Pay increases were authorized and uniforms and equipment were funded.  Congress got on board and mandated levels of manpower to be operating on the border and these operations were fully funded.  Overtime was never a problem.  An agent could work his regular schedule and could count on three extra days of 1945 Act Overtime.  Managers would monitor agents so that they didn’t fall below the 25% level of AUO.  One agent was fired because he refused to work any AUO, after he went to 0% AUO.  

Priorities.  Sequestration, this idea, came from the White House.  Even though Congress funds programs, the White House has the final say to where the funds are being spent.  Yes, Congress was in collusion.  What difference does that make?

What difference does it make?  The Chief Executive Officer of the land meets with Illegal Aliens and doesn’t have them arrested while on Federal property?  

What difference does it make whether to salute or not salute the Marine standing at the door of Marine 1?

Actions of an individual say more about what is going on than their “speak,” no matter how well their “speak” is delivered.

Actions.  This is the Memorial weekend some of you will be working enjoying that overtime.  Some will be mandated not to work the holiday because management is watching the budget.  Remember you are an American and some of your fellow Americans aren’t here to enjoy the Memorial Day Holiday because their devotion to God, duty, and their country.

Say a prayer, have a toast, and thank God for that person who once was and now is gone, never forget the love and respect.

May 4, 2013

What Are They Really Saying?

Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 2:06 PM
Subject: Budget Update

In my last budget update on April 1, 2013, (on April Fool's Day.) I advised you that President Obama had signed into law an appropriations bill that funded CBP for this fiscal year.  (We got the money to pay you.)  After closely reviewing the appropriations bill, DHS and CBP leadership have been working to mitigate, to the greatest extent possible, the impacts to employees which had previously been communicated. (We looked at it, and after the public outcry and pressure, we temporarily decided not to furlough.)  However, our FY 2013 budget contains nearly $600 million in sequestration reductions and as a result, CBP must make significant cuts across the agency, which will affect operations through the end of the fiscal year.  (Since you didn't support our version of Immigration Reform we will cut your pay, "as a result.")

CBP is working with DHS and OMB on Congressional reprogramming requests to move funding between various CBP accounts in order to preserve essential capabilities and mitigate the impact of sequestration on the workforce, while still meeting the overall reduction requirements.  (We are using this excuse of moving monies from one account to another account to say we are doing everything we can, but we are still cutting your pay.)  Based on our preliminary reprogramming requests and pending Congressional approval, the number of potential furlough days is expected to be less than the 12 to 14 days originally anticipated under the previous FY13 Continuing Resolution.  (Congressional approval? You are not following the Oversight of Congress?)  While we work to reduce the number of furlough days, we are also doing what we can to limit reductions to frontline overtime. (You will be furloughed and you will work less overtime AUO.)

We will continue to provide updates as information becomes available. (You will be told by managers how we intend to reduce your AUO to 20%.) Thank you again for your patience and for your continued dedication to our critical mission.  (Thanks again for waiting to be screwed.)
Thomas S. Winkowski  (I hate AUO and I will take it away.)
Deputy Commissioner of CBP,
Performing the duties of the Commissioner of CBP  (I will take it away from you on my watch.)

Translation provided by NBPC Local 1613 San Diego, CA