September 28, 2013

      I received the following information from Sector today.  The imminent Government Shutdown will cause an automatic furlough.  This furlough will last until a budget or continuing resolution is signed.  It is anticipated to happen on October 1st unless an agreement is reached prior to then. 
     In the event a shutdown occurs all non-essential employees will not be allowed to work.  All essential personnel will be required to work.  All leave will be canceled, and if an essential employee takes any type of leave during the furlough he will considered to be on furlough and it will be unknown as to whether he will be allowed to return to work during the furlough. During the furlough you will not be paid, but will be paid when the furlough is over. 
I will update you as information is received.

     Essential personnel is considered to be all Border Patrol Agents, Mechanics, and LECAs.  Mission Support, Seized Property Specialists, Paralegals, LER, Sector Counsel, are non essential employees and will be furlough.  I was told that we are to watch the news to see if there is a government shutdown, because if there is a shutdown the non-essential employees will have no-one to tell them to stay home.  For essential employees just go to work as normal.

September 19, 2013

A government shutdown could be your reality in two weeks. Send a message to your Lawmakers and tell them to stop playing political games.

IMPORTANT: This information should not be downloaded using government equipment, read during duty time, or sent to others using government equipment, because it suggests action to be taken in support of and/or against legislation. Do not list your government email or government address in filling out this message, and do not use a government provided phone for this action.

Dear George,

Unthinkable but entirely possible.

Over a dozen Senators and eighty Representatives are pushing for a scenario that should be unthinkable: they want to use a government shutdown as leverage to enact an extreme, right-wing agenda that includes continuing the Sequester for the next nine years. And these folks are picking up more support every day.

A government shutdown – which could happen as soon as Tuesday, October 1 -  would be disastrous. And continuing the Sequester is just plain wrong for America: Your jobs are on the line. The strength of our economic recovery is on the line. Government’s ability to make people’s lives better is in jeopardy. 

We need to create the political will in Washington to confront our problems responsibly. Let’s work together right now to send that message. Please help us send that message to Congress right now.

Every elected official has his or her own favored policy positions. But if folks dig in their heels and threaten to seriously damage America if every one of their demands isn’t met, our government can’t function. In fact, nothing could be more irresponsible.

This isn’t a game of chicken. It’s governing. When there are problems with our laws, individual representatives need to work together to fix them.

In Solidarity,
J. David Cox, Sr.
President, AFGE