September 30, 2014


Hello All,

Finally some good news from the National.  Please read the below message.  I was just contacted by Brandon Judd President of the National.  They have worked out transfer opportunities for employee paid relocation as well as a new VRP.  The VRP is pending approval from congress.  Please read the message below for the details.  Any questions please let me know.  

James Harlan
Local 1613


We are pleased to inform you that the Union and Management have agreed to open up two relocation programs. These two programs could start as early as next month.  They are the Voluntary Relocation Program (which originally expired on April 29, 2014) and a new program that will be called the Relocation Opportunity Bulletin (ROB). 

The main difference is that the VRP is a funded program that pays agents to move, whereas the ROB is non-funded and agents will be required to fund their own moves. The ROB will be in place for two years, after which, the NBPC will be able to evaluate and renegotiate if necessary.  The ROB will expire on September 30, 2016. The VRP requires Congressional approval, which the Union and the Agency are currently seeking.  We hope to have a quick resolution to the approval issue so that both programs will move forward expeditiously.  

Under these two programs move opportunities will be announced every quarter, which will greatly enhance the chances for mobility to a far greater number of agents. The VRP and ROB will alternate quarter to quarter and we anticipate that moves under the ROB will be announced in a few weeks while we await Congressional approval for VRPs.  Because moves under the ROB are non-funded, agents may exclusively apply for relocations under the VRP.  Agents selected under the VRP will receive lump sum payments to help with move expenses.  

The VRP Lump Sums pre tax are:

    1.    Multiple person household who own a home - $35,275
    2.    One person household and own a home - $27,375
    3.    Multiple person household who do not own a home - $16,850
    4.    One person household and does not own a home - $8,950

We will update the moment VRP approval is given by Congress.  

September 26, 2014


QUESTION: As per the bill and starting on page 24 under subparagraph (e), the comptroller general will do a comprehensive review of all positions and if they determine that we don't need OT, the agency can take it away. 

ANSWER: This subparagraph does not give the agency the right to drop agents in pay.  At best, Congress would have to pass another law rescinding this law.   Also, the intent of this section was specifically put in there to show that if the agency hired the personnel it would take to patrol the border, it would cost a lot more money.

September 18, 2014

BPAPRA Passes the Senate

The National Border Patrol Council would like to thank Senators Tester and McCain for reaching across the aisle and sponsoring the bipartisan Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act.  The BPAPRA was combined with the Cybersecurity Authorization today and it made it past the Senate and has now been sent to the House for consideration.  We still have a lot of work to do as this is not yet a done deal.  But we are grateful for all of those elected representatives that put an awful lot of work into getting this through the senate.  Along with Senators Tester and McCain, we would also like to recognize and thank Senators Cornyn, Heitkamp, Ayotte and Flake for co-sponsorsing this important legislation.

Brandon Judd
NBPC President

September 15, 2014


Labor Employee Relations (LER) informed NBPC Local 1613 on September 12, 2014 that Frank Cruz would be discussing decertification of Range and DTAC staff personnel with the affected bargaining unit members.

VP Dan Mais went to the range and sat in on that discussion. Julie Abad and Frank Cruz gave a brief explanation and said management wanted a decision by this Friday as to whether the Range/DTAC staff would be returning to linewatch duties or if they were going to stay on their detail and earn FEPA (OT).  VP Mais then asked Frank and Julie to clarify if the FEPA was guaranteed, for how long it would be available and how many hours a pay period. Mr. Cruz admitted they didn't know. Mr. Cruz also admitted agents wouldn't necessarily be allowed to work 17 hours of FEPA per pay period.

VP Mais later pointed out that if an agent were to choose to stay at the range and earn FEPA, periods of Annual Leave (AL) or Sick Leave (SL) would cause a major pay loss compared to if the agent chose to work AUO instead.  They admitted this was true.

A pay period of AL under FEPA would result in a pay loss of $1016. Under AUO, it would only result in a loss of $226.

This notice is simply to make our members aware that if they choose to stay at the Range or DTAC they will lose money. There is no guarantee they will be allowed to work OT and if any form of leave is taken it will also result in a pay loss. The union is researching possible challenges to these decisions. We will notified you as soon as we file any and all challenges.

It is ultimately your decision but be informed!

September 3, 2014

Stand Up and Vote 2014

The outcome of this November’s election could hit government employees in the pocketbook. That’s why it’s more important than ever that we Stand Up and vote this November. Care about your paycheck?

Demand To Bargain

Intra-Sector swap program and voluntary physical fitness program.

September 2, 2014

Sign Up Forms For Lawsuit

Below is a link to the consent and retainer form to be party to a lawsuit that is going to be filed in federal court to recover overtime pay for unpaid work time.

Consent and Retainer Form