November 28, 2014

Suicide Prevention for Law Enforcement (Video)

The job of a law enforcement officer takes a toll on you. Don't get caught in the "Fatal Funnel." We are family and help is available. Never believe that you are alone and have to get through this on your own. This is a great video that talks about what you can do to keep yourself mentally fit as well as what management can do to foster an atmosphere where it is ok to admit your temporarily not ok.

Breaking the Silence

November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from Local 1613

Thank you for all that you do. The holidays away from your families. The shift work. Most of all for risking your lives everyday for strangers not for recognition but because that is what we do! Have a Happy and Safe Holiday from all of us here at local 1613.

November 12, 2014

November 11, 2014 Election Results

Terry Shigg              63.5%
James Harlan           36.5%

1st Vice President
Robert Lopez            57.6%
Dan Mais                   42.4%

2nd Vice President
Thomas R. Ward Jr.        60.0%
Anthony Ponzio               40.0%

3rd Vice President   
Joshua Wilson        56.6%
Gabe Pacheco         43.4%

Victor Cantu             55.2%
Christopher Harris   44.8%

Robert Cortez           (uncontested) elected by acclimation
Sergeant at Arms
Manny Bayon          62.1%
Everlyn Prado           37.9%

There was a total of 503 ballots cast.

Elected officers will be sworn in at the beginning of the general membership meeting at 7 p.m. on December 9, 2014.

Crown Plaza Hotel
2270 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108

All elected officers serve a term of two years.