December 31, 2015

Please Help Support Murietta agent Pete Adamo

NBPC Local 1613 sends our condolences to Murietta agent Pete Adamo who lost his infant son Michael to a prolonged illness over the weekend. 
Please click HERE to make a funeral donation.

December 19, 2015

Local 1613 Standing up for Border Security

Last week Local 1613 Vice President Joshua Wilson appeared live on Boston's WMEX1510 radio and spoke with host Michele McPhee about border security.  The streaming audio can be heard HERE

December 18, 2015


The recently completed Body Worn Camera feasibility study report issued by Commissioner Kerlikowkse is a perfect example of the dysfunctional operations within CBP. BWC’s are but one piece of equipment that has come to the forefront in regards to Border Patrol Agents. CBP continues to focus its efforts on appeasing special interest groups rather that improving the efficiency, safety and morale of the men and women who risk their lives every day protecting this country.

CBP needs to meet its obligation to these men and women by providing the infrastructure, equipment and training necessary to allow the Border Patrol to continue to evolve as a  professional law enforcement organization. This cannot be done by simply placating the masses. Decisions need to be made and a commitment to the well-being of the country and the agents is critical.

Border Patrol Agents need:

  1. Updated technology;
    1. Radios
    2. Cameras
    3. Vehicles
    4. Weapons (to include less lethal devices)
  2. A negotiated contract
    1. CBP needs to stop stalling and resume face to face negotiations
    2. Stop allowing LER to run the show
  3. A wellness program that provides confidentiality.
  4. Improved training.
  5. Increased manpower.
  6. A new Chief who will make enforcement of US Immigration laws a priority. 

The Border Patrol is steeped in tradition and a culture that is slow to change. This culture is endangering the lives of the American public and the Agents in the field. CBP must change course and address the threat of political correctness and pandering. CBP has a duty to give every agent the necessary resources to protect this country and themselves. CBP is failing in that regard and it needs to change.