November 12, 2008

Instructions on Accessing the Member's Section of the AFGE Website

On November 11, 2008, during the general membership meeting, members discussed problems they experienced when attempting to access the member’s section of the AFGE website and update mailing addresses. Click here or on the title above to read the instructions on how to validate your membership with the AFGE website. To read how to update your mailing address, once you have validated your membership with the AFGE site, visit the Members Services page of the Local 1613 website.

Chris Bauder

November 10, 2008

Member Advisory: Taser Training

Attention Local 1613 Members:

San Diego Sector recently announced Taser training for agents. According to the memo from Chief Fisher, agents are required to be certified with the baton and OC Spray. This assertion directly contradicts section 6.1.4 of the national policy which states agents who have previously been certified in either the collapsible straight baton or OC spray are eligible to be trained and certified with the Taser. In addition, the person who is in charge of the program at the national level gave assurances to the National Border Patrol Council that agents would not be required to be certified first with OC Spray.

November 7, 2008

Local 1613 Recommends Changes to Equipment on New Pursuit Vehicles

National Border Patrol Council, Local 1613 Secretary Thane Gallagher drafted a document to express the union’s concerns regarding how some of the new pursuit vehicles in San Diego Sector are being equipped. The document was mailed to San Diego Sector and the union is now awaiting a response. If and when the union receives a response, we will notify our members.

To read the recommendations, click here or on the title above. If you have any concerns or suggestions related to this particular topic, please email Thane Gallagher.

Chris Bauder
NBPC L-1613

October 28, 2008

San Diego Sector Ignores Proposals to Safeguard Employee's SS#'s

On July 11, 2008, a staff member from the Pine Valley (Campo) Border Patrol Station (BPS) administration sent an email to every employee assigned to the Pine Valley BPS. The problem with this email is it contained the names and social security numbers of practically every bargaining unit employee assigned to the San Diego Sector. In response, Local 1613 filed a grievance and proposed reasonable changes to properly safeguard employee’s social security numbers and prevent identity theft in the future.

September 16, 2008

Monthly Union Meeting Location Has Changed

Local 1613 will no longer be meeting at the Holiday Inn in National City for monthly Union meetings. Starting October 14, 2008, Local 1613 monthly general membership meetings will be held at The Handlery Hotel and Resort (click for The Handlery’s website). The Handlery is located at 950 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108 (click address for map).

August 13, 2008

Retired DCPA Beasley's Letter to Mayor Villaraigosa

The following letter was written by retired Deputy Chief Patrol Agent Harold Beasley. Mr. Beasley served as the Deputy Chief Patrol Agent in the San Diego Sector up until he transferred to the Tucson Sector. Mr. Beasley was one of the “leaders” with the foresight to help build a successful labor-management relationship that resolved matters at the lowest possible level and avoided unnecessarily wasting Border Patrol/taxpayer money on arbitrations. Mr. Beasley was responsible for many agreements that are now being violated under the direction of Chief Fisher, who effectively destroyed the once successful relationship within days of taking over as the Chief of the San Diego Sector without any regard to the history behind the relationship or the agreements.

July 28, 2008

Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Affirms the Convictions Against Agents Ramos and Compean

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has affirmed the convictions against Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean for counts 1 through 5 and counts 11 and 12. The Court reversed and vacated counts 6 through 12 because the court determined the Border Patrol investigation was not an "official proceeding" within the meaning of the Statute.

July 16, 2008

Heat Wave Safety Tips from NOAA

Please review the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s article about Heat Wave Safety Tips (click the title above). The article also presents NOAA's National Weather Service Heat Index (see below) and explains how to understand the Heat Index.

There is an important note about the Heat Index table that must be considered when reading it: HI values were devised for shady, light wind conditions; therefore exposure to full sunlight can increase HI values by up to 15°F. In addition, strong winds with very hot, dry air can be extremely dangerous.

July 12, 2008

"The FBI - Antennae of Death"

"The FBI" is a show that aired in the 1970's. This particular episode, "The Antennae of Death" is based on the true story about Border Patrol Inspectors Theodore L. Newton Jr. and George F. Azrak (names, locations, etc. were changed, as indicated at the end of the video). Thanks to Harold Newton, brother of Theodore Newton, we received a copy of a link to this show after Harold spent time searching for the show ever since he first viewed it in the 70's. According to Harold, this episode aired on November 29, 1970. Click on the above title to view the video.

To read more about Border Patrol Insectors Newton and Azrak, click here:

June 27, 2008

The murderer, Jesus Navarro Montes

The following is a copy of the letter I sent this morning to all five San Diego members of the House of Representatives and both California Senators. I encourage all Border Patrol Agents and citizens to take action and demand a satisfactory outcome in this travesty of justice.

April 21, 2008

Local 1613 Mission

  • We are the guardians of non-supervisory Border Patrol Agents and support personnel assigned to the San Diego Sector of the United States Border Patrol.
  • We protect Border Patrol Agents against frivolous lawsuits, overzealous prosecutors, and unwarranted or disparate administrative actions.
  • We safeguard conditions of employment, agreements, practices, employee rights, and the labor laws of the United States.
  • We strive to ensure a fair and equitable workplace free from favoritism, intimidation, disparate treatment, and harassment.
  • We investigate and report fraud, waste, and abuse within the Border Patrol.
  • We seek to preserve the Border Patrol motto: “Honor First” and the oath of office sworn by all Border Patrol Agents.
  • We promote immigration laws and policies that contribute to the security of the United States and oppose policies that restrict the sworn duties of Border Patrol Agents.
  • We represent the employees with honor, judiciousness, and professionalism.

February 22, 2008

SDC Electronic OWCP filing

Recently San Diego Sector implemented a new pilot program called ECOMP, which involves employees electronically filing their CA-1 or CA-2. Here is the problem; ECOMP is an old program that is riddled with problems. DOL/OWCP personnel have stated that they don’t know why the agency is using ECOMP since it is a program they don’t even use.

February 19, 2008

Are you a Freeloader?

One of the most vexing problems faced by any union representative is the knowledge that all his/her hard work not only benefit the dues paying member, but the freeloading hangers-on that seem to wind their way into everyday issues. We've all been there right? You get a cold-call from an agent at a different station regarding a contract issue and in the blink of an eye, you read through the pertinent section(s) of the contract, maybe place a few preemptory calls to an involved supervisor, write a rough draft for a Step 1....and, uh find out the agent that called you doesn't even pay dues.

February 18, 2008

What am I paying you guys for?

What am I paying you guys for?
Is the union really looking out for me or just the best interest of the representatives?
What good is the union?
Nothing’s going to change!
It doesn’t make a difference what I say.
I had to handle the problem myself because the union person told me they would not do anything.

I hear different version of these statements/questions several times a week when I talk to agents or just overhear conversations.

January 19, 2008

Jose Olivas - Dishonored

Jose Olivas, former Border Patrol Agent in San Diego Sector, recently plead guilty to one count of conspiring to smuggle aliens and one count of conspiring to launder money. Olivas faces a maximum of 15 years in prison. We hope that Olivas receives the maximum penalty for this despicable act. See the U.S. Attorney's press release.

Olivas was sentenced to only three years in prison for conspiracy to transport illegal aliens and money laundering. This traitor provided sensitive reports to the smugglers and he only receives three years? Read a related story.

January 10, 2008

NBPC Local 1613 Media FAQ

The National Border Patrol Council - Local 1613 Media FAQ is intended to assist the media with reporting stories related to Border Patrol Agents, the U.S. Border Patrol, and the official position of NBPC Local 1613 on various issues.