August 5, 2009

San Diego Chief a No-Show at Agent's Funeral

I've always believed in leadership and that you take care of both your mission and your men. But lately here in San Diego Sector I have seen a disturbing trend by those who state they are "in command."

During the memorial services for Agent Nate Afolayan I looked around and saw only "acting" Assistant Chiefs and an "acting" Deputy Chief representing San Diego Sector. What really surprised me was that Chief Mike Fisher was not there since the union was scheduled to meet with him after the memorial service had concluded. It turns out that Chief Fisher had some very important training and could not find time to honor one of his agents who had died or to meet with the union. I could care less about the meeting, but to not attend the memorial service is inexcusable.

Now with the murder of Agent Rosas I thought there was no way the sector staff would pull the same moves again. Wrong. Chief Fisher was again nowhere to be seen at the services. "Acting" Chief Rick Barlow presided over the memorial services. What kind of training is more important than attending the funeral of one the agents you are supposed to lead? Unless his wife was giving birth or there was a death or medical emergency in his family, there is no reason on this earth that he shouldn't have been there.

Chief Fisher now has established a track record of disregarding fallen agents and their families in their time of need. There is talk that he may be the next Chief of the Border Patrol and that truly concerns me. If he continues to pull stunts like this he will perfectly fill the Aguilar mold. Honor First? More like Fisher First.