June 21, 2013

June 25, 2013
5:00 P.M.
Location:  La Bellas Café Chula Vista

Please join the Local 1613 for it's second inter-monthly Meeting to be held at La Bellas Café in Chula Vista.  The address is 373 3rd Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910.  The meeting will start at 5:00 P.M.
This is meeting is set for members living near the "Big 3" but all members are invited and encouraged to attend.  The meeting will be a town hall style meeting.  See you all there.

June 11, 2013


Last week information was received from a few anonymous SBPA's from Campo that CPA Besson had offered to drop us down to 15% AUO in order to make up for the shortfall created by other Sectors not following the 20% AUO amount.  I spoke to ACPA Herrera and she has assured me that this is not on the table, and is inaccurate information.  I have no reason to doubt the sources that brought the information to us, however I have no reason to doubt the response and word that ACPA Herrera has given me.  This is not a retraction to the earlier message as we only put out what we believe to be accurate, but new information that has come to us concerning this issue.

Furthermore I was shown a matrix showing that the other sectors were at a lower rate than we are at this time.

James Harlan
Local 1613

June 6, 2013

Proposed amendments to bylaws and constitution

In accordance with AFGE Constitution ARTICLE XI
This shall serve as a notice for proposed amendments to the current Local 1613 constitution and bylaws.
Changes will take place at the meeting held on August 13, 2013.

June 5, 2013

Breaking News
Yesterday June 4, 2013 the Chula Vista Station initially assigned approximately 30 agents to Processing.  This was supposedly due to the Station running out of money for gas.  Due to managements mismanaging of their budget, they have placed our National Security in Jeopardy. 
This is just the tip of the iceberg for the Managerial Shenanigans.  It was brought to our attention by a few concerned anonymous low level managers that due to other sectors refusing to drop their agents to 20% AUO, that Chief Beeson has volunteered San Diego Agents to drop to 15% to make up for the shortfall.    
Stay Tuned for more info as it comes.
Next Union Meeting
June 11, 2013
Handlery Hotel
950 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108