June 26, 2014

Senate HSGAC pass S. 1691 BPPRA

On June 25, 2014 the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved S. 1691, the Border Patrol Pay Reform Act. The bill now goes to the full Senate for a vote. This is a significant win for Border Patrol Agents. No significant changes were made to the bill. Although there were some last minute attempts to amend the bill.

“Border Patrol agents are deeply grateful to Senators Tester and McCain. They stepped up to take action on a measure that will simultaneously improve security at the border and raise the morale of the workforce,”

“We urge swift Senate passage of the bill, and ask the House to take up the Senate-passed measure immediately.

NBPC President Brandon Judd.

We are not out of the woods yet and we need to continue the fight. If you would like to join the AFGE PAC to assist even more, follow the link below.