April 16, 2015

Tactical non-Communication Center (TCC)

Recently SDC command staff has informed the union that it intends to end the detail assignments of Border Patrol Agents to the TCC. This will no longer be a detail and will be a daily assignment.

This came about after several attempts by the union to ensure agents working at TCC would be treated fairly and equitably. This was not the case. Agents were not allowed to work the overtime as was promised and were being subjected to disparate treatment.

I want to also mention that our bargaining unit members in TCC (LECA’s) are working under poor conditions and we will be working to improve that.

This is a management problem. They do not have enough LECA’s and are unwilling to do what it takes to fully staff that position and or improve the current working conditions of the LECA’s

The union would like for our agents to know the facts before they volunteer for TCC details.

If you volunteer for a TCC detail:

1. You are not guaranteed to be given overtime hours. The agency knows they cannot guarantee OT and that is why we have insisted on the clause that says if agents are not allowed to work overtime they can terminate their detail.
2. There are no SBPA’s assigned to TCC therefore you will be supervised by a Supervisory Law Enforcement Communication Assistant (SLECA).
3. The working conditions in the TCC have historically been poor and have gotten worse.
4. All contract violations should be brought to the immediate attention of the union.

The union continues to fight against these duties being conducted at the station level and for more specialized training.

We will also continue to aggressively fight for the rights of all bargaining unit employees working in TCC. If you have any questions, comments or complaints email mbayon@nbpc1613.org.