May 14, 2015

One Local 1613 Member Responds to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson

On May 11, 2105 all DHS employees were sent the following message regarding Police Week 2015...

From: Office of the Secretary
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 11:49 AM
Subject: Message from the Secretary

May 11, 2015

Dear Colleagues,

This is National Police Week. This week we honor the sacrifice and commitment of men and women in law enforcement. We pay a special tribute to those in law enforcement who have given their lives in the line of duty, and we offer our support to their families.

This past year our Department lost two Border Patrol Agents in the line of duty -- Alexander Giannini and Tyler Robledo. This week Agents Giannini’s and Robledo’s names will be added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. I am also mindful of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega Jr, who last August was killed during a robbery while fishing with his family in Texas.

Wherever you are this week, I encourage you to honor those who have chosen the law enforcement profession.


Jeh Charles Johnson
Secretary of Homeland Security

One Local 1613 member responded...

Mr. Secretary,

Merely being “mindful” of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega Jr. is not enough.  He died trying to effect the arrest of two illegal aliens who were committing armed robbery against himself and family members.  The fact that he was off-duty does not negate the fact that he was duly exercising his law enforcement authority.  It is tragic and does not reflect well upon this agency or its’ senior leadership that we have failed to declare this death as “line of duty.”  It certainly contributes to the rapidly declining morale of a department that already has abysmal morale.  If you truly want to improve employee confidence in our leadership, act now and declare this death line of duty.  It is certainly low hanging fruit.  Until someone changes the way DHS treats its’ workforce, we will continue to have low morale…and we will continue to talk about that low morale, as will congress.  How an agency treats a fallen hero and the surviving family goes a long way towards how employees feel about the agency and its’ leadership. 

Joshua Wilson

Border Patrol Agent