October 16, 2015

OPM BPAPRA Regulations Cheat Sheet

NBPC is working on legislative solutions to certain aspects such as AWS. The regulations also refer to portions being subject to impact and implementation bargaining. Such as time limits to make up "debt hours."

Here are some of the highlights to the OPM final regulations.

Take effect first pay period of 2016 (January 10, 2016)
Agents will select a level once a year.
·        Must be provided selection form by November 1st
·        Elections made no later than December 1st
90 % must be at level 1 at each location
Payable during paid leave or other supplemental pay
Hours in excess of level if scheduled will be OT, if unscheduled will be Comp time.
Comp Time.
·        Max 240 per year
·        Max 10 hrs per pay period
All PA’s are FLSA exempt
Title 5 premium cap applies
OT is either approved after the fact or ordered in advance
Instructors and administrative positions
·        Assigned basic tour (40 hrs)
·        Can be assigned level 1 or 2 based on “comprehensive staffing analysis.”
·        This level assignment may be delayed 90 days if agent on detail.
“Unable to perform “ OT
·        Law enforcement authority revoked
·        Inability will last for an extended period of time
·        Any other appropriate reason as determined by CBP
·        CBP must delay “effective day” (level drop) if due to on the job injury covered by OWCP.
·        May delay effective date for LWOP under FMLA
·        CBP may use this provision to allow agents to voluntarily drop levels due to personal circumstances.
BPAPRA and retirement (high 3)
·        Computed with the avg OT% on or after Jan 10, 2016 or
·        The avg of all time in service (continuous 36 months).
Paid Leave
·        An Agent will receive the applicable OT supplement (25, 12.5, 0).

Canine Handlers
·        Will be level 1
·        1 hour per day for care of k9 will be considered part of 20 hours scheduled OT (nothing in regs say they can’t work more than 20).
Debt hours
·        No time limit to when they must be made up
·        Agency can schedule the OT to be made up
               Not allowed

Official Time
·        If not performing specific tasks as mentioned in regs union official will accrue “debt” hours.