State Of Things to Come
The United States Border Patrol has achieved great strides over the last twenty years. The agency that protects our Nation’s borders has established its own training academy in Artesia, New Mexico. This Federal Law Enforcement Training Center or FLETC is staffed by Border Patrol Agents and employees who are responsible for training men and women into becoming disciplined, honest and loyal Federal Officers. According to the Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and the Chief of the Border Patrol Michael Fisher, “The border is safer and more secure than it’s ever been”. With the ever increasing threat of terrorist activity as well as the thousands of pounds of illegal drugs that infiltrate our country every year, it is no argument that the task of protecting these borders is dangerous. The fact that the Border Patrol has been able to make these great strides towards the control of our Nations Borders is due in no small part to the heavy presence of Border Patrol and Customs enforcement officers in these areas. These men and women who protect our borders have a camaraderie and trust unlike any other and this is seen throughout any hardship an agent is going through whether it is at work or in a personal capacity.
I am sad to inform you that all these gains are in danger of being washed away by incompetence and petty bickering. The Border Patrol has been taken over by human resource specialists and Labor Relations Specialists who often make final decisions regarding the livelihood of these men and women. Border Patrol Management no longer makes decisions but instead at best informs these specialists what decisions are desired. The Labor Relations Specialists or LRS’s then make every attempt to track down regulations and laws to support these views, even if integrity has been removed from the system. For example, an Agent is employed by the Border Patrol for 5 years and then he begins to struggle with alcohol addiction due in part by job related stress and depression. The given Agent is never disciplined and on his own decides to seek help, something that is not an easy task for anyone to do especially in law enforcement. The agent pays for his treatment on his own. The agent’s initial attempt at sobriety fails and the agent realizes he needs long term treatment. In the middle of a 3 month treatment, the agent is told to return to work. The agent then decides with doctors help that he may need long term treatment (one year) and requests leave without pay (in accordance with the Adults with Disabilities Act). The agent’s request is denied and the agent is ordered to discontinue treatment and return to duty immediately.
What type of manager makes this decision? One who is led around by the nose by Labor Relations Specialists?
Another example, you have a manager who is assigned on temporary detail to a department. The employees under his supervision have property stolen from their work area and suffer from depression and anxiety due to the stress. When the issue is brought to the attention of the command staff in an attempt to temporarily separate the employees for time to deal with the issues, the agents’ are told that while the situation is known as dangerous and toxic, no assistance will be given. Not only does the command staff offer no help or counsel regarding the problem, but they begin to investigate the employee who had property stolen from their work station and give an award to the manager for work he did not do.
What type of leader makes this decision? One who does not care about integrity as well as the health and well-being of his employees, but rather his ability to move up the so called “ladder” in his career?
Now let’s talk about sequestration. The Border Patrol was funded by continuing resolution so that Border Patrol Agents could be fairly compensated for the work that they perform. DHS, CBP and OBP have chosen to ignore this fact and continue to threaten Border Patrol Agents with decertification and furloughs. US Representatives have made it clear that DHS, CBP and OBP have poorly managed their budgets, yet managers are being promoted and more management positions are being created. Are you seeing the point here?
What type of manager continues along this path? One who is not being held accountable and is more concerned with protecting his position than protecting those who make his position necessary.
I am afraid this is the state of things to come. Command Staff from the top down has lost its will and ability to be leaders. They are more concerned with their reputations than doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do. It is clear that there are many great men and women in management but we must be aware of the type of individual that is being promoted at this time. The agency is whittling away managers who think for themselves because of pointless legislation. The men on the ground are not making the decisions at this time. There is a dangerous separation between agents who work hard on their feet to accomplish the Border Patrols Mission and the Command Staff. I hear every day how horrible morale is and how much distrust there is between the two entities. Border Patrol Agents feel betrayed and things must change quickly or not only the lives of these men and women may be at risk but the security of our Nation’s Borders may be as well.
Famous author Warren Bennis said, “Leaders are people who do the right thing, Managers are people who do things right.” What type of people do you want leading our men and women?