Happy 4th of July
Fourth of July 2013, finds us enjoying the great weather and beaches and other assorted activities which involve BBQ’s with friends and family. These seem to be the usual sorts of activities on such a wonderful warm summer holiday.
We are celebrating the 4th of July as a National holiday, remembering freedom from tyranny of the British Empire. Tyranny is described as the “arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority. Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, dictatorship. The government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler. A state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler. Oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler, and undue severity or harshness.” Sounds kinda like “some” (not all) of our managers? Again, there are some very good managers who work very hard for the same goal as your Union; the welfare of the agent.
We can and we have made mistakes, and we will make mistakes, while performing our duties as agents. However, your treatment as an agent should not be met with tyranny when the Agency rules you negligent in professional matters of the position according to the Table of Offenses and Penalties. The Union does not possess a “magic wand” and cannot make things “go away” whenever an agent finds himself in trouble. The Union is in the position of mitigating the discipline and adverse action by the Agency.
What does the celebrating on the 4th of July, tyranny, and negligence have to do with anything?
You, members of United States Border Patrol, San Diego Sector, are some of the finest members of our community, who work constantly keeping our borders secure and our streets safe. The temptation will be to place yourself under the tyranny of the Agency and to be negligent by the choices you make while celebrating the 4th of July. You may choose to drink and have fun with friends and family, but do not place yourself under the tyranny of the Agency by being arrested for driving under the influence. The Agency’s stance is very clear when you hear an agent exclaim, “I am a good person, I don’t deserve to get fired.”
And now choose not to place yourself under their tyranny. Sector Management “DOES” treat bargaining members and non-bargaining (managers) differently.
The choice is yours.