June 2, 2009

In Memoriam - Harold Newton

The National Border Patrol Council - Local 1613 is deeply saddened to report that Harold Newton, brother of Border Patrol Inspector Theodore L. Newton, Jr., passed away on June 11, 2009 at approximately 2:18 p.m.
For those who do not know, Harold and the Newton family are very special members of the Border Patrol family. Since his brother’s tragic death on June 17, 1967, Harold fought tirelessly to improve the Border Patrol, to protect the agents, and to prevent another tragedy. While we cannot list all of his accomplishments, there are a few he regularly mentioned when he spoke: successfully lobbied on numerous occasions for increased manpower for the Border Patrol; successfully challenged Border Patrol policy which foolishly permitted two-man checkpoint operations; and successfully lobbied to make sure new agents were not assigned to the field prior to attending basic training at the academy. While this is just a brief list of his accomplishments, those who know Harold are well aware of how he is a remarkable advocate for the Border Patrol and all of its agents.

Information for the funeral services will be posted when the family provides the details. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Newton family during this difficult time.

Pictured below is Harold Newton (right) with Congressman Darrell Issa at the official ceremony to rename the Murrieta station as the Theodore L. Newton, Jr. and George F. Azrak Border Patrol Station.

Harold Newton Photo

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